Reading ‘ A Long Walk to Water ‘ by Linda Sue Park

Yes reading a book after 6 long years. Reading through the last page makes me so contented.
Making me realize that I still love reading.
Its an awesome book about the struggle and survival of a refugee.
A book that should be read today in the midst of war, flood , drought and a lot.
The book says or Salva Dut says “One step at a time…one day at a time..Just today – just this day to get through.. “

Easter Morning And A Delicious Breakfast

Easter is a festival celebrating the  resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament .The most beautiful day and most awesome Easter I ever had in my life was the Easter morning of 2006 April.

The last celebration me, dad, mom and bro had. That’s day when I realized moms mutton stew and palappam was too good. We were celebrating a festival with new life.A celebration with the realization that there wont be any such in the years ahead. Days when we decided to celebrate every moment we had. My dad had only counted days to live and I was heart broken. But we decided to celebrate the remaining days.

Today 10 years later, living middle east I didn’t even celebrate Easter.For me the celebration is Palappam( Laced Rice pancake) and mutton stew. Will note down moms mutton stew recipe here.


Mutton 2 Kg

Savala (Red Onion) 10 or 15 depending on the size

Green Chili – 5

Ginger – 1 small piece

Garlic – 1 whole bulb (7 cloves)

Tomato – 4

Grind ginger, garlic and green chili and keep it aside

Cook mutton in pressure cooker along with garam masala

Sauté onions , add grinded mixture  and tomatoes and sauté together till tomatoes become soft and then second coconut milk

Add cooked mutton. Cook for 15 min in small flame until second milk dries up.

Fry clove, cinnamon, cardamom and 10 shallots, 5 black pepper corns and one whole red chilly

Add the fried spices to the curry

Add little corn flour mixed with water and then add first coconut milk.

The mutton stew is done.

Grind coconut to get coconut milk.its first coconut milk.

Use the coconut residue add water and grind again you will get second coconut milk







Will Karak turn my sorrows down

Don’t know but I try

Karak it’s masala tea with extra sugar.

Don’t know when I started loving it

Of course after coming to Qatar

It will always remain close to my heart

Like the sand and the sand storms

Placid and furious

Bold and beautiful

Karak is a tea time story

It never ends


Mango Cucumber Summer Salad

Ingredients 1 mango cut as small cubes 2 cucumber cut as small round slices 1 red bell pepper sliced into squares 2tbsp vinegar 1tbsp sugar a pinch of salt and red chilly powder. Directions Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl except the last four. Add vinegar, sugar, salt, chilly powder and toss to coat.


Even though I stopped writing diary notes these are few posts and notes

Feb 24 2011
If you get a burn on your finger and you have no ice in your fridge.
Then you can dip your finger in ice cream.
Something that I did recently and turned successful… 🙂

July 13 2011
God’s Grace. Finally I too got driving license in Qatar.
Hats off to Babuchayan Ranny, my tutor in Qatar Modern Driving School.
Thanks for all my tutors, relatives and friends.
Thanks for all who supported and prayed for me.
Particularly for motivating me in my multiple failures.

Mar 14 2012
Yesterday was something special. I felt our baby kick for the first time.
It was a special moment like the moment we heard our baby’s heart beat for the first time.

2013 review
2013 reminds me many blessings I had through the years.
2013 Sept 26 was our fourth wedding anniversary.
Had the most amazing pain of womanhood and blessed with two little ones- Ian and Ike and now we are four in four years. Always thankful for the medical staff and all our friends and relatives who helped us through.
13 Dec 2013 marked my 5 years in IT. Feeling great with all the colleagues and friends at three different places – Syntel, QPost and CNAQ.
2014 review
Was indeed another blessed year
I am very thankful for all the wonderful experiences and for the new people came to my life.
April marked the wedding of Sen and Riny and here comes December with Haby and Sherin
And June of course was beautiful with my bro in Qatar
Of course it was a miracle that I got saved from the accident
Ike started walking Ian started talking better Malayalam
And our 5th wedding anniversary

April 2015
Moving from coastal Qatar to the heart of Doha. Feb 2010 to June 2013 we had enjoyed the beauty of Al Wakra, a coastal town in Qatar. It was always beautiful. Then we moved Al Khor another coastal town of Qatar and in 2015 we are back to the Corniche area, heart of Doha.

29 July 2015
July is month of memories. July 1st was Pappa’s birthday and July 19th his 9th birthday in heaven.
Don’t know whether I could ever be an awesome parent like Pappa or a brilliant professional like Pappa but I’m thankful for God for blessing me with the warm memories that cherish my life and inspire me to go ahead.

Refreshing Summer Salad(watermelon, cucumber, onion and feta cheese(optional))


3 cups(1/4) watermelon cut as small cubes

1 cucumber cut as small cubes

1 small red onion sliced into thin half moons

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

2 tsp. (1/2) lime juice

a pinch of salt and pepper


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl except the last two.

Add lime juice, salt and pepper and toss to coat.

And garnish with mint leaves(optional)

Something’s that makes me happy 

nature its beauty


Sand or sea it makes me smile

For a moment it takes my worries far

Far to the end of earth

the mangrove, the sand and the water

I opened my car window

To hear the waves

It’s a great rhythm

Someone was walking nearby

And I closed my window

Didn’t want him interrupt my solitude


Carrot Halwa


  • 3 carrots peeled and thinly grated
  • 6 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ cup milk
  • 7 tablespoon ghee
  • Cashew nuts


  1. Boil the milk on medium-high heat in a non-stick pan.
  2. Heat ghee in a pan.
  3. Roast the cashew nuts and set aside.
  4. Add grated carrots & sauté it for a few minutes
  5. Add warm milk & sugar to this.
  6. Reduce the flame & cook till the carrots are soft & the milk is evaporated.
  7. Garnish with roasted cashew nuts.
  8. Serve hot or with Vanilla ice cream.

Meen Curry (Kerala Fish Curry)

Kashmiri Chilly Powder 1 large spoon
Turmeric   ½ tsp
Fenugreek  ½ tsp
Salt   1 tsp
Tamarind   3 pieces
Curry Leaves  1 twig
Ginger   1 tbsp
Garlic   1 tbsp
Shallots   1 tbsp

Splutter mustard in 1 tbsp of oil
Saute shallots, ginger and garlic
Add 1 more tbsp of oil and saute chilly powder, turmeric, fenugreek, salt
Add water and wait until oil comes to top
Add more water, turmeric and curry leaves
Add fish
Water should be at the level of fish
Cook until water reduces to half

Testing and Integrating FedEx Web Service in PHP

Web Services are about exchanging data between a server and a client, using a standard XML format to “package” requests and data so that both systems can “understand” each other. It enables applications written in different languages, located in different places, running on different operating systems, to talk to each other, exchange information and perform different operations. The building blocks of Web Services are a set of XML based standards namely SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration).

The above diagram is the simplest diagram which can help you visualize web services, and shows how two remote applications can interact with each other using web services. The protocol used for this remote interaction is SOAP.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

It is an XML-based protocol. A SOAP message contains data in the form of XML.A SOAP transaction begins with an application making a call to a remote procedure. The SOAP client script then encodes the procedure request as an XML payload and sends it over the transport protocol to a server script. The server parses the request and passes it to a local method, which returns a response. The response is encoded as XML by the server and returned as a response to the client, which parses the response and passes the result to the original function.

WSDL (Web Service Description Language)

The data exchange happens at the packaging layer. On top of the data exchange, you also need a description layer, and the WSDL (Web Service Description Language) standard makes this happen. Web Services can describe themselves to the client using WSDL file.

FedEx Web Service 

Web Services share business logic, data, and processes through a programmatic interface across a network.  To perform a particular FedEx task such as tracking a package, you need to use a class that creates your request, sends it to the FedEx platform, and handles the response.

 FedEx Web Service Integration Testing 

Use the FedEx Web Service as a corporate solution for tracking items posted from our counters and shipped by FedEx.Since our website being implemented in PHP, the source code used for testing was also PHP.

Server used

For Testing the application, Apache Server is used.

By default Apache’s document root is set to htdocs directory.The document root is where the program files are placed and it is processed by Apache.

(Output can be seen through a web browser).

The source file extension was php5 and the Apache Server was not recognizing php5. It was only recognizing php extension. So as to run php5, edit the apache configuration file (httd.conf) as below.

AddHandler php5-script .php5 // add this line

Program Files

WSDL File                             : TrackService_v4.wsdl (The wsdl file is where,the FedEx url (Track Service Port) is specified.)

SOAP client                          : The PHP module having two PHP files   (fedex-common.php5, TrackWebServiceClient.php5)

fedex-common.php5               : In this file the test credentials are specified.

TrackWebServiceClient.php5 : The path of TrackService_v4.wsdl  and fedex-common.php5 is specified here.

This file also contains the php code that generates the xml request. Web service requests are made in XML. 

Two php5 files, one wsdl file and the html file invokes the webservice.

Server used to run – apache (application xampp)

Put php folder containing all relevant php files and the wsdl in htdocs

How to enable .php5 file extension?

In order to run php5, edited server config file

Edit Apache config file httd.conf

AddHandler php5-script .php5 // add this line


First test with test credentials, and then with production credentials.

Output – tracking information

PHP code generates the xml to send request to the fedex server and the tracking information is generated as output

The tracking is done using shipper reference.

The web service client retrieves the tracking information based on the shipper reference.

The tracking information retrieved is the entire tracking information based on shipper all transactions in a day.

Since the current tracking information has more than one transaction with different tracking numbers, included two functions to parse the output (response) and is displaying the output based on the corresponding tracking number as entered in the reference field in the html page.

<form action=”TrackWebServiceClient/TrackWebServiceClient.php5″ method=post>

<table cellpadding=”10″ cellpadding=”10″>

<tr><th>FedEx Shipment Track & Trace</th></tr>


<td>Please enter your Tracking Reference Number</td>



<td>Tracking Reference Number </td>

<td> <input type=”text” name=”Track_Ref_No”></td>



<tr>   <td></td>

<td> <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”TrackShipment”> </td>




Parse the Web Service response 



// path to fedex-common.php5 where test credentials are specified

// $path_to_wsdl variable.

/*By default, WSDL caching is turned on and caches WSDL files.

To disable WSDL-caching use ini_set(‘soap.wsdl_cache_enabled’, //’0′);*/

// The WSDL document is specified as an argument to the SoapClient constructor which creates SoapClient objects. The WSDL document specifies the operations that are available to the SOAP client.

//code that generates xml request 

//catch webservice response in $response 

The response array may include simple types, objects, arrays, nested objects, and nested arrays.

//prints xml request and xml response

//convert to array using function

//Arrays are processed with the recursive function to convert inner PHP objects //into array.

//call the recursive function trackDetailstoArray to convert inner PHP objects into array.

//fetch required details from the resulting array with corresponding key as described in the array structure.

//check tracking number (user input )with tracking number in the response array and display details in a table

View Response Array Structure

open Mozilla firefox to view the output

Select the output and press cntrl+u



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