Easter Morning And A Delicious Breakfast

Easter is a festival celebrating the  resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament .The most beautiful day and most awesome Easter I ever had in my life was the Easter morning of 2006 April.

The last celebration me, dad, mom and bro had. That’s day when I realized moms mutton stew and palappam was too good. We were celebrating a festival with new life.A celebration with the realization that there wont be any such in the years ahead. Days when we decided to celebrate every moment we had. My dad had only counted days to live and I was heart broken. But we decided to celebrate the remaining days.

Today 10 years later, living middle east I didn’t even celebrate Easter.For me the celebration is Palappam( Laced Rice pancake) and mutton stew. Will note down moms mutton stew recipe here.


Mutton 2 Kg

Savala (Red Onion) 10 or 15 depending on the size

Green Chili – 5

Ginger – 1 small piece

Garlic – 1 whole bulb (7 cloves)

Tomato – 4

Grind ginger, garlic and green chili and keep it aside

Cook mutton in pressure cooker along with garam masala

Sauté onions , add grinded mixture  and tomatoes and sauté together till tomatoes become soft and then second coconut milk

Add cooked mutton. Cook for 15 min in small flame until second milk dries up.

Fry clove, cinnamon, cardamom and 10 shallots, 5 black pepper corns and one whole red chilly

Add the fried spices to the curry

Add little corn flour mixed with water and then add first coconut milk.

The mutton stew is done.

Grind coconut to get coconut milk.its first coconut milk.

Use the coconut residue add water and grind again you will get second coconut milk






Mango Cucumber Summer Salad

Ingredients 1 mango cut as small cubes 2 cucumber cut as small round slices 1 red bell pepper sliced into squares 2tbsp vinegar 1tbsp sugar a pinch of salt and red chilly powder. Directions Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl except the last four. Add vinegar, sugar, salt, chilly powder and toss to coat.

Refreshing Summer Salad(watermelon, cucumber, onion and feta cheese(optional))


3 cups(1/4) watermelon cut as small cubes

1 cucumber cut as small cubes

1 small red onion sliced into thin half moons

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

2 tsp. (1/2) lime juice

a pinch of salt and pepper


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl except the last two.

Add lime juice, salt and pepper and toss to coat.

And garnish with mint leaves(optional)

Carrot Halwa


  • 3 carrots peeled and thinly grated
  • 6 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ cup milk
  • 7 tablespoon ghee
  • Cashew nuts


  1. Boil the milk on medium-high heat in a non-stick pan.
  2. Heat ghee in a pan.
  3. Roast the cashew nuts and set aside.
  4. Add grated carrots & sauté it for a few minutes
  5. Add warm milk & sugar to this.
  6. Reduce the flame & cook till the carrots are soft & the milk is evaporated.
  7. Garnish with roasted cashew nuts.
  8. Serve hot or with Vanilla ice cream.

Meen Curry (Kerala Fish Curry)

Kashmiri Chilly Powder 1 large spoon
Turmeric   ½ tsp
Fenugreek  ½ tsp
Salt   1 tsp
Tamarind   3 pieces
Curry Leaves  1 twig
Ginger   1 tbsp
Garlic   1 tbsp
Shallots   1 tbsp

Splutter mustard in 1 tbsp of oil
Saute shallots, ginger and garlic
Add 1 more tbsp of oil and saute chilly powder, turmeric, fenugreek, salt
Add water and wait until oil comes to top
Add more water, turmeric and curry leaves
Add fish
Water should be at the level of fish
Cook until water reduces to half

Kanji nd Payar


i like to share all that i tried and turned successful in my cooking lab.let me start with kanji nd payar.

my first experiment


rice -1 cup

water-9 cups


Wash rice and boil it in a pressure cooker..As it starts to boil close the lid. (the weight is placed on the steam vent when steam is being emitted) .Wait for three whistles,turn off the flame and keep the cooker aside ,till the pressure is down.Remove the weight and open the lid.Add little salt and server hot.(Cook in medium flame)


payar – 1 cup

water-9 cups


turmeric powder-1/4tsp

chilli powder-1/4 tsp

cocunut-1/2 cup


keep payar soaked in water for 10 to 12 hrs.

cook in pressure cooker with little salt,pepper powder and water.(3 whistle).

saute coconut ,chilli powder,turmeric powder,shallots and green chilli till cocunut turns yellow.

add cooked payar and serve hot.

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